Tuesday 12 July 2011

Siyafunda isiXhosa

Life is busy and I am neglecting my blog, so here is a what's up in this part of the world.
Two weeks ago we had a Holiday Club with 80 to 100 kids here all week, lots of soccer, rugby, food, crafts and gospel messages.
Mark had a Xhosa message with the younger kids and I had a English lesson with the older ones, then we went to Seymour in the afternoons for Gospel meetings, we had given invitations out Sunday and had hoped for a older audience of teenagers and adults, while mostly younger kids came a few teenagers the Mark and Gwen knew from Sunday school several years before where out which was great.

Last week was spent mostly recovering from the week before and sorting out paper work for our Visa Application which we have submitted and is in the Lords hands, we very much value prayer.

Mark&Gwen's soak away for waste water plugged last week,it wasn't very deep and had no gravel so we dug a new one, over 6m long, 1m wide, and 1m deep,and gravel is coming tomorrow.

We were sad to hear about Uncle Lewis passing away, it will be strange to get back to PEI and not hear Uncle Lewis worship Sunday morning, but man,what must it be like to see our Lord, Uncle Lewis now knows.

Tomorrow (Wednesday) is the young men's supper, please pray for Salvation for these young guys that come, they are between 13 and middle twenties and for most its the only Gospel they hear.

More pictures will follow

"But God shows His love for us in that while we were still sinners Christ died for us.Since, Therefore, we have now been justified by His blood, much more shall we be SAVED BY HIM FROM THE WRATH OF GOD" Romans 5:8,9 I will never feel the wrath of God for my sin, My Lord Jesus Christ felt it for me, and not for me only but; 1 John 2:2 "and not for ours only , but also for the sins of the whole world"

Good night